Individual Supporter

Extend your compassionate hand and be a symbol of hope for the noble mission of 'KHOWAI.' Embracing the sacred tenets of humanity, our focus lies on nurturing our children.

We invite you to unite with us by generously contributing your support, knowing that your contributions are exempt from Income Tax under section 80G(5)(vi) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, vide Provisional Approval no. AADTK4653JF20221 dated 31.12.2021.

Together, we have the power to provide them with education, shelter, and sustenance, all wrapped in unwavering affection. Your personal backing will spark positive transformations, illuminating a brighter future for those who need it the most.

Join us in manifesting the spirit of generosity and making a palpable impact on the lives of these beloved children.

Member of Donor Family

Embrace the chance to be part of something greater than yourself. By becoming a cherished member of our charitable organization, 'KHOWAI,' you open the door to serving humanity with the utmost reverence.

Join us in our mission to treat every human as divine and play a pivotal role in various charitable activities that make a profound impact on lives. Your membership not only grants you the privilege to serve but also connects you to a community of like-hearted individuals dedicated to making a difference.

Seize this opportunity to actively participate in a wide range of noble endeavors, uplifting lives, and experiencing the unparalleled fulfillment that comes from touching hearts and souls through diverse acts of kindness.


Join us as a volunteer member and discover the true essence of giving. While financial contributions are valuable, the gift of your time is immeasurable. By dedicating your precious moments to our cause at 'KHOWAI,' you're not just making a difference, but also enriching your own soul.

As a volunteer, you embark on a path of spirituality, connecting with the essence of humanity in its purest form. Your time is a treasure that can shape lives and create lasting change.

Step forward to contribute to a better world, and in doing so, find a deeper connection to your own purpose and the well-being of others.

CSR Partner

Unlock the power of purposeful giving through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funding. Our organization, authorized for impactful CSR activities under registration number CSR00020721, invites your company to join hands with us in creating meaningful change.

By directing your CSR funding our way, you're not just fulfilling a corporate obligation, but actively contributing to transformative initiatives that uplift communities and empower lives.

Partner with us to make your CSR efforts resonate with purpose and make a tangible difference in the world. Together, we can turn your commitment into impactful action and pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future.